At Alpine Chiropractic, we believe that high-quality pediatric chiropractic care sets the foundation for a lifetime of health and wellness. Our gentle approach is rooted in the belief that every child deserves to thrive.
Chiropractic care can help infants adapt to their new earthside environment and recover from the stress delivery puts on their head, neck, and spine. Chiropractic is also instrumental in recovering from birth complications such as those from Cesarean delivery, medical aides such as vacuum extraction delivery, prolonged or difficult labor, or excessive pulling or twisting in delivery. Many parents turn to chiropractic first for conditions such as colic, ear infections, tongue tie, constipation, and more.
Every parent says it- they grow up so fast! Children are constantly growing, moving, and learning to use their bodies in new ways. From taking their first steps to learning to ride a bike, chiropractic care can help keep them adapted to their ever-changing internal and external environments.
The teenage years can be tough, but chiropractic care is here to help! Chiropractic adjustments stimulate the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for good decision-making and thus particularly important as teens begin to navigate the world independently. In addition, major hormonal changes in teens can be regulated through high-quality nervous-system based chiropractic care. Many teens also become involved in competitive athletic programs, and chiropractic can help prevent injury and accelerate healing if injury does occur.
Chiropractors detect patterns of interference stored in the body through gentle and non-invasive assessment. These interferences are called subluxations. By correcting these subluxations with the chiropractic adjustment, the nervous system is free to communicate with the body. Thus, chiropractors only correct subluxation, we do not "treat" any conditions. However, when the nervous system is clear of interference, true healing happens, and pediatric chiropractic adjustments coften help with various conditions such as colic, ear infections, difficulty latching, asthma, bed-wetting, scoliosis, and injuries from falls or sports. Because we address root cause and regulate the nervous system, adjustments can help manage symptoms of ADHD, hyperactivity, and focus disorders.
Yes, when performed by a trained and licensed pediatric chiropractor, chiropractic care is gentle, safe, and effective. Techniques are specifically adapted to the child's size, weight, and developmental stage to ensure safety and comfort. It is important to note that pediatric chiropractic techniques look very different than those utilized on adults.
Pediatric chiropractic techniques look very different than those utilized on adults and are specifically adapted to the child's size, weight, and developmental stage to ensure safety and comfort.
The frequency of visits depends on the child’s specific needs and the parents' goals for care. Initially, more frequent visits might be necessary, but children typically transition to maintenance care more quickly than adults. We do recommend a regular maintenance schedule, as well as bringing your child in to get adjusted throughout major life events and transitions to foster adaptability in their nervous systems.
All licensed chiropractors have taken some courses on pediatric development and adjusting and are licensed to adjust children. However, at Alpine Chiropractic, we believe that your family deserves more. Dr. Lauren has taken many post-graduate courses to further qualify her for family care. She is Webster certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and is working diligently towards both Perinatal and Pediatric Certifications. Further, she is a doula with qualifications in childbirth education and breastfeeding.
For more information on the ICPA, please click here.
We are open by appointment only, but we are happy to accommodate last minute appointment requests when possible! Texting is the best way to reach us for same day appointments.
3152 South Bown Way Ste 107, Boise, Idaho 83706, United States
Located inside Bown Business Center 208-400-3362
8am-11am, 3pm-6pm
8am-11am, 3pm-6pm